Kyra Sedgwick measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe, and bra size
Kyra Minturn Sedgwick is a renowned American television and big-screen actress. Her name is well-known all over the world, but especially in America because of her principal role in the film 'The Closer. Sedgwick was first interested in performing arts, Broadway, and acting at the age of 12 of age. Her mother had a great passion for the Broadway and encouraged her to go to the show. Sedgwick had her first stage performance at the age of 16, when she appeared in "Another World," which was the TV series. The idea of being a major actress was what she was hoping to be. It began with tiny roles in television. Sedgwick was noticed at the top of the list for the first-time with her role as a supporting actress in the film 'Born on July 4th' in which she starred along with Tom Cruise. Sedgwick was able to continue getting roles as she was a success with this movie. There were other films like : Singles, Heart and Souls and Phenomenon. The TV film titled 'Lemon Sky' where she met the actor and husband of her Kevin Bacon and got married to him when she was only 22 years old. Sedgwick was a star on American TV for her remarkable performance on "The Closer" the seven-season T.V. show that won her the Golden Globe Award and Emmy.
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